You must configure one RDS server for each ColdFusion server for which you define reports. After you configure an RDS server, you can use the Query Builder to access data sources that you defined in the associated ColdFusion server, and select database columns for use as query fields in a report.
Add an RDS server
- Open the Preferences dialog box by selecting Edit > Preferences from the menu bar.
- Click Server Connection.
- Click the plus sign (+) next to the pop-up menu in the upper-left corner of the dialog box.
- In the Configure RDS Server dialog box, specify the following information, and then click OK:
Description: A name for the server connection. This name appears in the pop-up menu on the left side of the Query Builder.
Host name: The host on which ColdFusion runs. Type localhost or an IP address.
Port: Web server port number. Accept the default port (80) or enter the port number of the ColdFusion server's built-in web server (8500 is the default port number).
Context Root (J2EE configuration only): The context root (if any) for the ColdFusion web application.
Use Secure Sockets Layer: (Optional) Enables SSL security.
User Name: Not applicable to ColdFusion RDS.
Password: RDS password. You set this password in the ColdFusion Administrator.

Do not confuse the RDS password with the ColdFusion Administrator password, which you also manage through the ColdFusion Administrator.
Prompt for password: Specifies whether to prompt for an RDS password each time you use the Query Builder. If you select this option, leave the User Name and Password fields blank.
Designate a default RDS server
- Open the Preferences dialog box by selecting Edit > Preferences from the menu bar.
- Click Server Connection.
- Select an RDS server from the Preferred RDS Server pop-up menu, and click OK.
The Report Builder automatically connects to the specified server when you display the Query Builder or Chart Wizard.
User interface usage, tips, and techniques
The Report Builder work space includes the following areas:
- Toolbox: Contains nonvariable elements placed in a report, including text, shapes, images, subreports, and graphs. To use toolbox elements, click the element, and then click and drag in the report band to define the element's size. After you place an element on a report band, you can modify its appearance and behavior by using the Properties panel.
- Alignment palette: Use Control-click or Shift-click to select multiple elements in a report band, and then click the appropriate alignment icon. You can also use Control+A to select all elements in a report band.
- Report bands: Place toolbox elements, query fields, and calculated fields on report bands. The default report bands are report header, page header, column header, detail, column footer, page footer, report footer, and watermark. Page header, page footer, and watermark are closed by default; to open them drag one of the adjacent splitter bars. To define additional bands for groups, select Report > Group Management.
ColdFusion provides three panels that you use to place and format data elements in the work space:
- Properties panel: Contains display and report characteristics for the selected field. To display the Properties panel, choose Window > Properties Inspector from the main menu. To change a property value, type or select a new value, and press Enter. For complete information on properties, see the Report Builder online Help.
- Fields and parameters panel: Contains items for query fields, input parameters, and calculated fields. To display the Fields and parameters panel, choose Window > Fields and Parameters from the main menu. Use the add, edit, and delete icons to manage these fields. After you define a field, drag the field name to add the field, its associated label, or both, to a report band.
- Report styles panel: Contains the styles that you define for a report. To display the Report styles panel, choose Window > Report Styles from the main menu. Use the add, edit, and delete icons to manage report styles. After you define styles, you apply them to elements on the report instead of specifying font, font size, and so on, for each individual element. If your report layout, platform, or font availability requirements change, you can modify the style to apply the changes throughout the report. Additionally, you can specify a style as the default for the report: if no other style is applied to an element in the report, Report Builder applies the default style to that element.
The View menu lets you control whether toolboxes and panel windows appear. Also, you can click on a window's title to undock it and drag it to another area of the screen. For example, you can drag all three panels and dock them in the same window. Report Builder lets you switch between them by clicking on the tabs at the top of the window. To re-dock a tool window or panel, drag it to the side or corner until a rectangle appears, and then release the mouse button.
For more information, see Common reporting tasks and techniques and the online Help.